lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Wind Instruments

We are going to start by showing some wind instruments.


As known as saxo too, it is a wind intrument of the family of metal. it´s usually made of brass and it's sound production is baseb in a nozzle with a single reed like the clarinet. it could be played being stand or  being sitted. The Saxo Was invented by Adolphe Sax
    This is how it sounds:


The clarinet is a musical instrument of woodwind type. The name derives from adding the suffix -et (meaning little) to the Italian word "clarino" (meaning a type of trumpet designed for high-register playing), as the first clarinets had a strident tone similar to that of a trumpet.
This is how it sounds:


The bassoon is a woodwind instrument in the double reed family that typically plays music written in the bass and tenor registers, and occasionally higher. the bassoon figures prominently in orchestral, concert band and chamber music literature.
This is how it sounds:  


It's a musical instrument of the wood-wind family of conical bore, whose sound is emitted by the vibration of a double reed makes a conduit for the puff of air. Its tone is characterized by a sharp sound, and somewhat nasal mordant, sweet and very expressive.

This is how it sounds:


Is a muical instrument of the woodwind family. Unlike woodwind instruments with reeds, a flute is an aerophone or reedless wind instrument that produces its sound from the flow of air across an opening. According to the instrument classification of Hornbostel-Sachs, flutes are categorized as edge-blown aerophones.

this is how it sounds:




The trombone is a musical instrument in the brass family. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player’s vibrating lips cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate. 
this is how it sounds:


The tuba is the largest brass instrument. Sound is produced by vibrating or "buzzing" the lips into a large cupped mouthpiece. It is one of the most recent additions to the modern symphony orchestra.
this is how
this is how it sounds: 



The trumpet is the musical instrument with the highest register in the brass family. Trumpets are among the oldest musical instruments, dating back to at least 1500. They are played by blowing air through closed lips, producing a "buzzing" sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the instrument.

This is how it sounds:


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