sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Body Percussion!

Body percussion consists in make music with our own body; you can use hands, feet, knees, claps, your mouth, etc..

First we are going to learn the different parts of the body:






When the pupils have learnt the parts of the body, we will do a game in pairs where the teacher will say the two parts of the body that his pupils have to touch between them (like head to head, arm to head, knees to arm, etc.).  (10-15 min.)
The last part of this session, it´s an introduction of corporal percussion and they will learn that we can use our body and our voice like an instrument.
-         First we teach the rhythm one: 


When the pupils have interiorized the rhythm, we teach the second rhythm: 

-         We can play quavers on the knees, blacks on the hands, etc..we work the coordination, psychomotor activity and memory. We can change the level of the exercise introducing new rhythms or changing the parts of the body with different notes.The last point is the percussion instruments like xylophone and drums. we will ask them first if they know thesound of the instrument, and the teacher will prove how the instrument sound with a video from internet.
      This is an example:



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